The Worst-Case Scenario

My friend brought a book to school, it is called: The Worst-Case Scenario. Now at first, I thought it was for gags, and I still think that.

But the information it holds is amazing. It tells you how to cross pirahna infested waters, how to find water on a deserted island, and other meaningless information that you probobly will never need!

Below, I have obtained some topics from this book! Hope you enjoy.

How To Jump From Rooftop To Rooftop:

  1. Look for any obstructions if you have time. You may have to clear short walls, gutters, or other obstacles as well as the space between buildings.
  2. Check your target building. Make certain that you have enough space to land and roll. If the target building is lower than your building, assess how much lower it is. You risk broken ankles or legs if there is more than a one-story differential in the buildings. If there are two stories or more, you risk a broken back.
  3. Check the distance between the buildings. Most people cannot jump farther than 10 feet, even at a full run. If the buildings are farther apart than this distance, you risk catastrophic injury or death. You must clear the distance and land on the other side. If the target building is lower, your forward momentum will continue to carry you even as you fall, so you may be able to leap a greater distance-though probobly not more than about 12 feet. you could successfully leap a span across an alley, but not a two-lane road.
  4. pick a spot for take off and a spot for landing.
  5. Run at full speed toward the edge. You must be running as fast as possible to attempt a leap of a distance of more than a few feet. You will need 40 to 60 feet of running room to develop enough speed to clear about 10 feet.
  6. Leap. Make sure your center of gravity is over the edge of your target building in case your whole body doesn't clear the span and you have to grab hold. Jump with your arms and hands extended and ready to grab the ledge.
  7. Try to land on your feet, then immediately tuck your head and tumble sideways onto your shoulders, not forward onto your head. Because you will not be moving fast, it is safe to roll head over heels, unlike jumping from a moving vehicle.

How to Foil a UFO Abduction:

  1. Do not panic. The extraterrestrial biological entity (EBE) may sense your fear and act rashly.
  2. Control your thoughts. Do not think of anything violent or upsetting-the EBE may have the ability to read your mind. Try to avoid mental images of abduction (boarding the saucer, anal probes); such images may encourage them to take you.
  3. Resist verbally. Firmly tell the EBE to leave you alone.
  4. Resist mentally.Picture yourself enveloped in a protective shield of white light, or in a safe place. Telepathic EBEs may get the message.
  5. Resist physically. Physical resistance should be used only as a last resort. Go for the EBE's eyes (if they have any)-you willnot know what its other, more sensitive areas are.

Now these entrys are taken from that book (Thanks Richard!). On the back of this book it says: "CAUTION: Book may not be used as a flotation device." The book doesn't have it's own website, instead the publisher does. If you want to go to the website, Click here! I never went to it; I'm too scared. But you should check it out, I guess. If you are interested in buying it, it is about $14.95.