Absolute Nonsense!

Do you like the new look? I figured why not try it. Anyways, I have a story that needs to be said, so Click Here to read about my trip!

Also, I am going to post some downloads very soon so stick around for that!

This Site Is The Offical Sponser Of George Butthead and Dick Beavis!

The meaningless junk on this site:

Missed out on nonsense in the past? Well Here's The Batch Archive!

I have decided to make a part of my site for links. These links will have sites to other sources of Nonsense. But these sites are in my opinion, NOT SHITTY! So Go on And Click the blue underlined words HERE!

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Thanks Mr.Lamo!!

Question or Comment? Or maybe even..... A broken link; E-mail me at Wiseguyj@excite.com