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Hey! Check it out! The Navel Academy Losers have friends! Well, almost. . . Visit the websites of our fellow bands and the people we pay to hang out with us. They might give us a discount.

Squash Possum Hey look, there IS punk rock in NorCal

Flee The Evil Christian Punk - I know, I don't get it, either

Tyrant Hmmm... that logo looks a little familiar...
the Lemur Society : the finest band this side of... I don't know, Detroit

The Cellar Club Go there, you know you wanna.

Taco Bell - the driving force behind the bands you love

- What Jessica does away at college

GB - the webcomic that 'splains it all

When Friends Are True Our buddy Devin's site - unlike us, she has talent

Morgan's fun site - Come see the madness, you know you want to

The only way Ryan could ever get chicks

Poke The Bunny - I love this bunny. You will, too.

Timmee's Special Place

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