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Deadye's Legit Guide to ArmorSmith

First off like I said in the weapon smith guide, it is in your best intrest to start as an artisan as you will appreciate the extra skill later on in the game.

First off you need to become and artisan and have to work up only the Engieering tree and don't waste your XP on Domestic and Buisness untill after you have aquired Armor smith.

This will be what you get for becommin a novice artisan, and what tree you need to get ( it will be light gray on the tree) :

I suggest grinding grips untill you get eng 1, and make sure that all your crafting tools are your own because you get User XP (which is the same as normal XP) for using your own crafting tool! Also make sure all your buddies have your crafting tool!
At this point you will acquire some new schmatics these are what they are (on the right):

At this point you have just got the muzzle schmetic, and those are your highest and easiest way to get those XP. grind those untill you reach Eng 2, ENG 2 will give you many new schmetics but none give the same easy XP as the muzzles
This is what you will recieve:

Now for Eng, don't bother try new schmetics if you wanna go straight to Armor smith, it is easier if you start making some bone armor and give it to anyone just for free, and then you will get xp when ever it is used..but still grind Muzzles! Untill you reach Eng 4
This is what you get for Eng 3:

You just recieved the weapon that is gonna get you to Novice armor smith and fast! the HEAVY AXE!!! may seem pretty shitty but it gives some killer XP 100xp a pop! Now grind these and you will see that you will have 16000xp in now time!! Also keep giving out your Bone armor, and keep hunting you can never have to much Bone and hide, hunt in parties and whenever they stop to get healed, You CRAFT!
Get your name out now! put an initial or a symbol that represents your armor! say a -(*)- or somthing that makes your amor your own!
This is what you get for Eng 4:

You are now an Amorsmith now what? Well I suggest that you got for Personal armor first and just grind Mabari gloves. This I found was the easiest way to get XP.
Give everything you make to your friends and make um where it! and keep tellin um they will be rewared later!
You will recieve Tantel amor and chittin for gettin to this stage:

I suggest gettin technique 2, but now using more advanced gloves for the most XP, and keep giving um to your friends, by making the segments you alsso get amount 30 armor XP.
The other skills on the tree are slef eplanotry, the shield generator will be the hardest to come across. I advise doing this tree when you have mastered the other three, but from the picture below you will see that you will be able to make pretty decent armor.
After you get to this stage you armor should be good enough to sell, and people will by it and then you should just be getting enough XP to keep your vendor full, this means that when get to this stage your armor will be wanted, and people will be wanting your armor and this will be giving you this XP to get higher! So this is the big reason for the big jump from 2 skills into 2 parts of the tree..but everythin will fall into place!
This is the stage in which to start it:

Now you are a master Armor smith, and making about 500k a day...Enjoy!