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And I Always Seem to Come Back for More...

Last year, this page was created to express my musings on life, on its inconsistencies, as well as to express my interests. However, this year I lack the charisma to start the page off right. This is the way it shall be til I find my spark.

But until then, at least I can put some funny pictures up! :)

well, here i am again folks. feb. 2004 and still tied to the same diatribe i once called happiness. i wish i could feel that inspiration of love again. that warmth of spirit. not the bitter, jealous hatred of the left, the lost, the discarded. ani difranco wrote, "I got thrown out the window of love's el camino and shattered into sparks on the curb.." well folks, he was smoking me, like ani wrote, between his immaculate fingers, and he inhaled and exhaled without saying a word... Like loving a shadow, only you still have contorl over what it does...