Index of stuff not related to..stuff

Woot. you are obviously here because you need links to my stuff..will here are some..

Duel of Fates (Piano, midi)

Chewvacca Defence (midi)

CVU, no idea what this is.

Josef Joins GTN

Pokeman Boss (midi)

Some kind of DS JPG

Burn your ears out (mid)

Bombardment by one of my friends ship designs (USS GALAXIUS). Make sure to lower your sound down before playing it (swf format)

Some Money Issues (wav)

Some Metal Gear Solid Sounds (zip)

How addind a new faction would look on the MV (jpg)...

Something for a very old game (zip)...

Some kind of Starwars picture? (gif)

A great picture of some common Federation Ships (gif)

SHH!!! Don't click this. It's Toad2000!!! (exe)

Do Wookies live on endor? (wav)

Prolonged exposure to this may result in stupidty (swf)

Barney meets Captain Kirk aboard the USS Enterprise!

"Blah.bmp"? No idea. (bmp)

Questions? Comments? Hate mail? E-mail me at

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