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My World

Welcome to my first site! I dun have much up at the moment, but you can look around if you'd like. It's mostly about me, but there are shtuff that pertains to people I know and things I like. Maybe you'll see that I'm some kind of weirdo, or maybe you'll find that I have a life, despite the opinions of others... So poke around, browse through, and explore what little of this site is up and running at the moment. I'll try to update the pages whenever I can with more information and/or pics. These pics are not my work, though I wish they were, because I sure can't draw anime that good. They belong to their creators, and I've only taken them from other sites to show off on mine so others can see how great different types of anime are. I can be reached at and on AIM at PackofJokers. (WARNING! SITE IS CONSTANTLY UNDER CONSTRUCTION! Wear a hard helmet and watch for falling objects!) *Picture from the anime Dark Angel (no, it's not that stupid Dark Angel show on FOX because that show sucks and isn't anything like the anime series that came first!)
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Delve Deeper into My World

My Paradise
My Jigoku
My Shout Outs
About MEEE! =)
Other Shtuff
Anime Pic of the Month [updated]
Top Monthly Lists [updated]
Whiny Buttheads...
Baka Taro Award [updated]
Golden Boy Page
Rantings and My Opinions [updated]
What Am I?
Le Château de Mes Amis
Salute to... [NEW!]
Foncused [formerly known as The Blobs!]
List O' Links