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liz & kate's bitchtastic hour of hate


websites also dedicated to spreading the hate:

fat chicks, party hats, the occasional midget, enough said
the master of hate, our idol

although blurry, one can make out the two fabulous femullets sighted at the menlo park mall cinnabon...we almost got kicked out of the mall for taking this picture...but we prevailed, as always...just a day in the life of being bitches

MISSION STATEMENT: to spread mass amounts of hate for the abundance of idiots to be found at this "fine educational institution" aka slutgers. new brunswick is only the beginning people...

FOREIGNER OF THE WEEK: ok not really foreigners, but im going w/ the out of staters that get on the parkway and drive like 50 in the left lane. learn to drive people. 70 is the lowest speed you can drive on the parkway and still have some respect for yourself. get out of my way. my car may be old, but it f-ing moves.

THING WE HATE ABOUT RUTGERS THIS WEEK: i only hate the amount of shit i have to do at my house for it to be liveable when school starts. no tv, no computers, no phone?!?! how will we live? im lucky the landlord hasnt kicked us out yet, 1st of the month = rent due is easy to remember, but not for 20 prosper it seems. big party though in the works - august 31st hopefully, if youre cool, i expect you there.

make sure to check back daily, no wait - hourly, for updates...and remember to sign the guestbook, or you'll be next on the list

all about us - the original haters

liz's tcnj update!

kate's randomness

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from left to right: handicapped man...GIRL WEARING A BIKE HELMET...crazy old lady with frazzled hair, o no wait, thats liz

send us hate mail here!
if we get enough hate mail...itll be added to the get on that freaks!
our fans getting in on the hate-filled fun...