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Welcome to Connie's World!

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Hello and welcome to my humble abode! This site is maintained by none other than myself (I'm Connie if you haven't figured that out yet). I'm a 4th year Computer Engineering major at Michigan Tech University in Michigan's Upper Peninsula (Houghton).

The main purpose of this website is to communicate with family and friends "back home". I spent a semester abroad in Perth, Western Australia studying at Curtin University. I had the greatest time there! Check out my updates from when I was there and my pictures!

Now that I've been home for a year, I'm starting to get antsy again! I'll be travelling to Oslo, Norway to complete my Senior Design starting February 2, 2004. Check out my what's new section for updates and pictures will be added soon.

This web page has been designed by me for your viewing pleasure courtesy of Curtin University's Web Science 101 class. This was a great class that taught me HTML hand-coding in order to create my very first web page!

If you want to get started with html hand-coded web page design, there are tons of tutorials out there to help you out. It's SOOO easy once you get the hang of it. My links page has a few links for HTML if you want to check them out.

Also, I'd appreciate any input you may have as to how I might improve my site...I know there's not much to it, but I'm low on resources right now. I've been using HTML hand-coding. I'll have dreamweaver soon and hopefully I can add some pizazz! But, anyways, e-mail me with ideas!!

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Last Updated: 18 JAN 2004
Email Me! (