If You've Ever Voted or Paid Taxes I Forgive You




I've some experience with the 'Crown' and know that, in some cases, the courts will find that justice is not in the best interest of Canada. To get justice in these cases, first and foremost, patience is required because a complete life's dedication will be the only thing that will not be turned by the various tactics of the 'Crown' in their attempt to spin-doctor whatever the case may be. In essence, one must be prepared to die for what they believe is right- putting the courts in a position where they must do justice to 'save face'.


It can be very simple- do not eat in custody. Then you will know that whatever sentence is handed down you will not be spending more than 60 or 70 days.


I find that it is good to remember that if any part of the gov't believes in a lie then it removes all authority from the gov't intoto. Patience be with us because all of these people involved in the growing acceptance of fascism are only reflecting the experiences that they know- THEY ARE NOT EVIL... they only know not what they do- so give them the experiences that will bring the little nervous breakdowns that may have them risking losing their jobs.


Have patience with the people that believe capitalism works- they will rape all that you love right in front of you and the only cure is continued understanding... some prefer violent reaction because violence is a game they've mastered. 'Death before rage' is the credo of those who believe in true liberation.


Essentially, the 'Crown' is as bad as a monster that there can be- it is real old and studied (taxpayers and capitalists are under a huge biblical-scale delusion). Best not to support it.


Everything is about to change. Plant food everywhere. Enjoy remembering that we all are perfect ninjas (in whatever discipline you pursue). I suggest focus on 'self-realization' so that we may know the parameters of the universe and how to, most harmoniously, dance within it. Enjoy being the angel that you are and enjoy understanding that all the vampires are just angels that don't know better.


Peace and patience be with us all.


David Arthur Johnston


Victoria, BC, Canada




home page- https://www.angelfire.com/apes/hatrackman


PS: There has been a 'Right to Sleep' campaign here in Victoria and on Sept. 4th there begins a trial. A Charter challenge that will have a BC Supreme Court Judge say whether or not it is lawful for a municipality to arrest someone for sleeping on 'public access' property (there is no such thing as public property). It will set precedence in every municipality in Canada and whether the judge says yay or nay there will be a tent-city (if nay, then the municipalities may be forced to assist, if yay, then everyone was just told that it is illegal to sleep outside and then many people will enjoy the liberation of no longer treating the courts with authority. FREEDOM.

