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Look.. the little man it stuck in the box... hehehe.. He's soo silly!!!


~*[mErRy FuCkInG cHrIsTmAs]*~

~*[i HaTe YoU]*~


~*[CoWs... BaBy... CoWs]*~


Now Now people.. I know you all want to be nice.. SO BE NICE AND SIGN THE DAMN GUESTBOOK.. Thank ya kindly.. your generousity will be greatly appreciated.. and you will probably have made my day.. so for the love of god.. sign the guest book and make me happy ;-P.. HAVE A NICE DAY now. ta ta for now.. cheerio

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If you need you need to reach me or have any comments on wut I can do to make this page better.. e-mail me at **note there is TWO underscores between the words.. NOT one** This e-mail can also be used as my MSN.. along with so add both. And if you have ICQ my ICQ # is 140622985 ... have a nice Day.. night or wut ever.