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The Earls and Nuttall Family Home Page
pictures latest news links bio contact us bulletin board









We have developed this website, so that we may all keep in touch and share our travels and pictures with our family and friends. With Adam in the military, Alisha about to be married, Amber about to graduate from high school, and me being already married (and Owen's family all lives in Virginia), we thought this would be a great way to keep up with each other. Not to mention that since we take most pictures with the digital camera now days, this is a great way to share them. If you have any pictures that we can add, please e-mail them to us so we can post them to share.

I hope everyone enjoys this site. We really have fun developing it. Just remember that it is still a work in progress, so we still have a lot of work to do. If you have any ideas or suggestions to add, let us know.

Above pictures from left to right: Owen, Amber, April, Jimmy, Alisha, taken at Hartsfield International Airport in Atlanta, GA before Alisha left for Paris, France on 10 September 2001; Dad, Adam, and Mom, taken after Adam's graduation from USMC boot camp in Parris Island, SC on 05 October 2001.

Developed by Owen and April Nuttall

up and running since

19 November 2001