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This is the coolest site in the world

Hey guys. This is Lurch's homepage. While you are here why don't you sign my guestbook and take the poll. If you don't sign the guestbook or take the poll, at least go to the pass-it-on icon on, E-Mail this site to a friend.

Why is this site so cool you say?
  • Well 'cause I, Lurch created it.
  • Little Lurch helped created it.
  • Why would you even ask that question.
  • Last, this site has so much cool stuff on it.

    Sorry guys that it has been so long since I have updated this site. The history page is pretty much useless right now. It only has a few chapters of notes form last years AP History class. I don't even think Odyssey offers that course anymore. Oh, well. I'm going to start updating that page as soon as we start PIG. Then you will see new notes. Until then, don't go to it. Other than that this site hasn't cjanged much. I've stopped working on my story and started a new one. I don't know how well the first one went ,so I won't post the new one unless you guys want me too. Just vote yes or no if you want me to post the new story.

The Funny Section

To My Chat Room

Joe's and Lacy's wedding plans

My game page

History Page

Hobby Page

Airplane Section

My Favorite Web Sites

Joe's Website

Against the Grain

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