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The Book of Insanity

All the stuff that isn't fit to print.

Lyrics to Bambi

Entrance into the P.A.T.

KHS rules

The solitary Moose

Well Roy

the world is a sick place

He didn't like it very much, and kept ripping it up.

Special Events

I never sent this, maybe I should have.

Lyrics to The James Song.

A Poem by Marc.

A sequel poem by Taylor.

Just a page I used to clean off excess paint.

I don't think this is good anymore.

A case of identical names or is it?

A message from WondoFong

A second message from WondoFong.

I actually turned this is to Mrs. Huntley, she made me do it again. Four times later I got it right.

a art project

I bet not allot of people remember what this was used for?

A note from Danica, can you really argue with it?

The only thing left from Moose's funeral in 92

What can I say?

A cartoon by Marc.

Goodbye to Moose

© Copyright 2002, Townshed Productions. All Rights Reserved. Exclusive ownership by Taylor Ridenour and Marc Osborne unless otherwise noted.