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Professor  Muhammad Bashir

Welcomes you on this Educational Website


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About Me

          Hi. Let me tell about myself. I am working as Assistant Professor of Chemistry at Government College of Science Lahore, Pakistan. I earned my M.Sc and M.Phil degrees from Punjab and Quaid e Azam Universities respectively. I have been teaching chemistry at graduate and under graduate levels since 1970. My special areas of  interests include  Oxidation/Reduction and natural products  .

For the benefit of my M.Sc students I have placed some reading material here for their educational needs on above topics. This should never be considered enough for preparing their  examination but  be taken as just basic concepts  only. The contents of the text are always  under constant review and modifications.
       The readers are, therefore,  invited to read it critically and to give their opinions and suggestions to improve the subject matter in the time to come.
                                      Thank you




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Liquid crystals

Cubic crystals