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July 2001

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Rayon vs. Dad
Rayon: 13
Dad: 6

8 - 12 - 2001

9:08 pm


Updates: Duh, well... Not much for updates. My hard drive is slowly becomeing corrupt, one file at a time. I working on not-working pages right now, well, not right now, but Iwill. Thats it I guess.

News: I just went to that's a crazy fucking site, it contains all sorts of nutty animations with people shitting while preforming what would otherwise be everyday acts of living. But since this wacky mofo was probably getting insulting e-mails saying he was insane and what-not he created a site to prove us, the people otherwise... .. The site is updated with a new movie every day showing us this nut's not crazy.

Rayon: 2 more points for Rayon. That's right he did some things. I'm getting this crazy feeling that rewarding Rayon for drug use isn't such a great idea. But then again, it is.

8 - 10 - 2001

1:00 pm


Updates: Finaly, I'm done with this mother fucking update. I used layers to get rid of the frames, but the layers pissed me off. So now, no more layers.

News: Fuck it, it's too early and I don't care.

Rayon: Dunno, today is a special day and Rayons earning points.

8 - 05 - 2001

10:17 pm


Updates: No god dammed updates today. Well, yesterday Rayon updated the Nutty Smut, and datz about it. Oh yeah, I titled every page, none more of that untitled document business.

News: I had received news about bid for power from Shaft at Shaftworks™. The following article wasn't written by me, and I dunthink shaft wrote it, but I dunwanna be creative or origonal:

Bid for Power has received a cease and desist from funimation. Though that is all that is said on, apparently, Planet Namek received and email from the team stating that Funimation and Infogrames have officially canned the game and handed development over to Wizard Works. Maker of many crappy hunting simulations. Including carnivores I, II, and III where you hunt dinosaurs. Bid for Power was the only promising DBZ game in production and it wasn't even being made by Big Corporation Man. So rightfully all should be pissed off that now we have to purchase a game that was free and now will be crappy and most likely involve hunting prehistoric reptiles.
But Wait!:
The wizard works rumor is apparently unrelated this was posted on bidforpower site:

Bid For Power has received a cease and desist order but we have not been shutdown or cancelled. An official announcement concerning the situation will be made tomorrow night.

All that reading for nothing....

Rayon: Like I said before people, Nutty Smut. Dammit, I gotta meet up with this guy later. I have some of his items. Wow, nothing much in the Realm of updates, news, and Rayon.

8 - 04 - 2001

10:17 pm

Howdy Howsy Ho!

Updates: I decided to fill up this empty void with a background pic. Hope that jazzes things up a bit. Well, I'm lonely and I got a copy of "Four Fingers" and a huge bag of Shwag. But the shwage ol' have to wait. Anyways I'm off and I dunwanna deal with any news of any kind. Oh yeah, I wouln't expect the bgpic to show in all of the sections yet cuz I'm lazy. I'll put em in when I fuckin feel like it.

This my sad sad site animation

Rayon: Duh, Rayon came over here, which is nuts cuz his dad hates my fuckin guts and wants to gut Jim. 2 more points for Rayon. Fuck it, his dads a bastard and makes Rayon miserable, 2 more points for his dad too.

8 - 03 - 2001

8:43 pm

Yo yo yo!

Updates: Hmmm... I was haveing sick deep seeded urges to change the site again, but then I thought "Hmm... I need to eat.", true story. Crazy ugly mutating bitch and your god dammed advil/midol binges. Kick a cat and shoot a dog. As you can probably tell, there are no updates.

News: I'll do what I did yesterday and watch CNN headline news... Plane was targeted as a possible drug currier ship. Some dumb fucking non-english speaking cock suckers shot em down cause they couldn't understand what the pilot was saying, you know shit like "Don't shoot me, there are women and children aboard." God dammed anal cunts. I wasn't listening, but some family was living in a storage thingy. Hmm.. Weather, lets change it to the next resource for news... Uhh, playboy thingy on fox news. Boy, they sure do tackle the tough issues. This bitch was on survivor, then she was in playboy, now the little slut wants to act. Dat bitch needs to act like she be makin' me a fuckin' sandwich. You talkin' to me lane? "The Factor" on fox news fuckin rules, I love his E-mail extra's; I think it's on at about 8:30 or so.

Rayon: Rayon didn't show at school today. I heard from him that he was goin' to a party last night and would show up home at 2. Then, I heard from straight edge Steve, that he missed the bus this mornin'. So, this being summer school and all, today was his last absence. So he's kicked, all of this summer school was for nothin', and tomorrow was the last day!!!! Oh yeah, two more points for Rayon (the party).

Note: Yeah, updateing is a low down dirty rotten fucking pain in the ass. So dun-be surprised if the Rayon score in all the sections isn't updated like the front desk.

8 - 02 - 2001

7:34 pm


Updates: Ieety... Done be no updates today, I've been perty out of it for the last few hours. I haven't come up with any ideas. I do know I want some more shit to throw into the documents section. It doesnt matter really, this site is yet to have anything to offer, hence nobody comes here. I need some more chat logs tho', the ones that are in there belong in the misc content section. Am I pregnant? Blasting across the alpine flats in a jet powered monkey navigated...

News: It's hard to watch the news or read the paper when your messed up, so no real news. I'll try to find some now.. Some dumb bastard has been alive for over a month now on some heart pump, so he ate cake.. Mariah Carrey had a break down and has a shrink, that's funny...Angelika Pannier and Gudra Pannier got married, lesbians in Moscow, but they can't adopt kids.... Wow, the news sucks.

Rayon: Rayon got messed up today quite a bit, thats 1 more point! Oh yeah, I saw some fat guy that looked just like Rayons dad today get pushed around by some guy he accidently pushed in line at the store. So, just for the hell of it I'll give Rayon another point.

8- 01 - 2001

5:04 pm

Eat shit and Die asshole!

Updates: Well here it is you god dammed norweigon piss pies... I thought I should come up with a new more "Creative" design, I do like this better. Along with this new design comes new sections and media. The Truth is, you won't even see this post untill the 3rd of august or so, I have alot (To hell with "a lot") to put up, and make.

Rayons contrubuting to the site as we speak, writeing away at articles which will both shock and amaze you. Well, he better fucking be doing that, I don't think he has anything else to do, other than kick his old man's ass.

"Steal": Edit this in your paint program to get great deals on items of your choice!

Rayon: Rayon and his dad have been dukin' it out for weeks now. Luckily he's in the lead, and his dads doin' a halfed ass drunk mans job at catching up. Pay attention to the spiffy little score keeper at the left.