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Beastly Blog
Tuesday, 26 October 2004
Leeds to Hamburg
We left old Blighty on the eve of 26th October 2004 by reversing onto the boat and being squidged in between 2 very large lorries on the freight deck!

After a slightly inebriated depressing evening of saying fond farewells to family and friends as we left British phone reception and 3 hours sleep (Tom snores!!) we headed up through the Netherlands upto Hengelo where one of Tom's friends, Mareike, very kindly put us up for the evening.

We then set off up to Hamburg on what should have been a fairly innocous route and uneventful day... but we are in the Beast who likes to play clever tricks with us to brighten our day! We ran out of petrol on the A30 road to Hamburg. We luckily managed to stagger into a parking spot where we pestered several truck drivers for petrol but they informed us there was a petrol station 10km away.... would we make it? We thought it would be better to chug at least half way there and walk, so we set out at 2 mph along the busy German highway and just managed to splutter into the petrol station!

Next stop we noticed that we had a punctured tyre...

So tyre changed, here we are in Hamburg in a red Beast in the middle of the city parked up in a mobile home park. A visit to the red light district last night found us in a gay bar singing Karaoke!

Posted by Alexis at 12:01 AM BST
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Monday, 18 October 2004
We have a date!
Mood:  not sure
Our departure date (subject to engine changes) has been confirmed as the 26th October 2004...

Here we come world!

Posted by Alexis at 12:37 AM BST
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Thursday, 14 October 2004
Beastly work
Work is still prgressing on the beast with the electrics being expertly put in by my Dad, wood being strapped on to cold surfaces, 10,000 mile service processes learnt and visa applications being carried out.

Posted by Alexis at 1:15 AM BST
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Saturday, 2 October 2004
Beat over the world
Mood:  happy
Bernhard Suhr created this fantastic bit of artwork, which is now sported on our front page!

Posted by Alexis at 12:01 AM BST
Updated: Monday, 18 October 2004 12:20 AM BST
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Friday, 1 October 2004
Getting closer to the off....
We are getting ready for the off after selling my car, moving out and renting of our house and moving everything back to my parents house... Incredibly stressful!

There are a few things that we still to get - the visas, the carnet de passage (our vehicle passport for everywhere we are going) and a ferry ticket from Hull to Rotterdam!

We have acquired new travelling partner - Tom and there are a variety of young ladies that wish to join us on various stretches of our journey.

This is the point where the nerves start!!

Posted by Alexis at 8:05 PM BST
Updated: Friday, 1 October 2004 8:06 PM BST
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Sunday, 11 July 2004
Welcome to our trip
We will be posting information on our trip here, in this blog.

Posted by Alexis at 12:23 PM BST
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