Rich - EThugg

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> is the site talked about in the beginning with the dead person. Please, if you're faint at heart, stay away.

Rich: hahaha !
EThugg: : :-)
EThugg: : sup jew?
Rich: Man, that site about how to make a dead person
Rich: *slaps* I ain't no Hebrew
EThugg: : shut up jew!!!
Rich: lol
Rich: I'm a Santanian!~
EThugg: : !!!!
EThugg: : >: O
Rich: lol
Rich: ho ho quack
EThugg: : I think this jew is in need of a TIME OUT!!!
Rich: which jew>
EThugg: : JEW!!! >:o
EThugg: : Jesus was a stinkin jewbag too
Rich: ouch :-(
Rich: As I originally said, I'm a Santanian
Rich: *whoops out the dead Santa pic*
EThugg: : Santa it a closet Jew... after what happened to Jesus, he decided to only be a jewbag in secret.
Rich: ...I'm Kwanzanian
EThugg: : The mortal enemy of all jews, now that Alfred Hitler is dead.
Rich: I'm rugged
Rich: that suffice? :-$
EThugg: : no, you enemy of the jews!!!
Rich: I'm a rugged Ethuggian
EThugg: : You serve only EThugg?
Rich: Yes
EThugg: : EThugg is a Pharaoh! Pharaohs only use jewish servants! That makes you a JEW!!!!!!
Rich: I'm EThugg's high ranking servant, far baove the jews
EThugg: : your a 'house jew'
Rich: I'm an EThuggite
Rich: wow..that sounds good
Rich: :-)
EThugg: : silence!!!!!
EThugg: : >: O
Rich: May I speak, Pharoah EThugg
EThugg: : That's it, to the dungeon!!!!!! >: O
EThugg: : OMG!!!!!!!
Rich: haha, jew!
EThugg: : =-O!!!!!!
Rich: *is going to tell TNL that EThugg is a Jewbag
EThugg: : >: O
Rich: Stop spacing the : and O >:o
EThugg: : >: O
Rich: lol
Rich: I promise the Pharoah will like
EThugg: ethugg is that you from psx central? i'm pstwo ethugg is an evil nintendo employer that is why he won't tell you anything ethugg is from somewhere else


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