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What has happened to my friends?

Right in front of my eyes, my world is changing. I no longer recognize it. My friends, my friends...who are they? I don't know them anymore. They are shallow and unaware of what goes on outside of this bubble. They don't understand...they don't understand...

Why have you changed? I used to know you, but you are not what you used to be. You go about your life as if the world can take care of itself. Well, it can't. We live in the richest and most powerful country in the world. It is our responsibility to help those in need. Why can't you see that? All you care about is how classes are hard and what is on TV tonight. Don't complain about classes. Just remember that you're lucky to be able to go to college. Even just to graduate high school is a great privilege. Why don't you realize that?

I sit here wondering if I will ever change anything for the better. I feel like I'm going nowhere. Who am I to be so critical of others? I don't think my mind is stable enough to be of any use to anyone. Why do I put myself above others? Why do I think that I am so caring and thoughtful and understanding? Why? Maybe my friends haven't changed at all. Maybe I have just changed beyond recognition.