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Annoyance is...

There once was a mother, who loved her two children very much. She also loved growing bananas. She loved growing bananas so much that she even had a banana orchard in the backyard. As her children grew up, she taught them all about bananas and what it took to make them grow properly.

Her one daughter, Oyra, listened to what her mother said and took on a strong curiosity with the bananas. Everyday, she would go into the orchard and marvel at how they were growing so well. She took extra attention, to pick off the harmful bugs when she saw them and to water the trees when their soil was getting dry. Oh, how she loved those bananas.

The other daughter, Hera, also cared for the bananas very much. Everyday, she would look out the window to see how they were doing, but she didn't like going outside much. However, she would talk for hours about the bananas with her mother. Her mother so enjoyed the conversation.

Now, although the mother loved both of her daughters, she surely loved Hera more. Whenever a sweet, ripe banana was picked, the mother would call for Hera, and they would eat the banana together. Rarely would she think to call on Oyra first. Oyra noticed that this happened, but didn't bother to think much of it. Yes, she was annoyed, but she figured there was no use getting into it. So, little by little this annoyance built up inside of her.

One day, when she could not stand it any longer, she went to talk to her mother. "Mother, I feel left out when you always ask Hera to eat a sweet banana, but never ask me. Afterall, I am the one who goes out into the field everyday; I am the one who nurses the small trees as if they were my own; I am the one who goes out in the pouring rain to cover the trees that will otherwise drown. But still, you favor Hera over me. Why, Mother, why?"

The mother looked at Oyra and simply stated, "I do not want to get into an argument with you." She then turned to walk out the door.

Oyra sat down and started to cry. "I don't want to compete," she thought. "But, annoyance, you keep growing...."

I am Oyra.