rather freakish pictures.

:home.: :girl.: :people.: :images.: :journal: :stuff.: :cliques.: :narnar.:



_me.jpg -- they caught me by surprise. dammit.

_fngr.jpg -- ashley. just what she thinks of you and your cheese danish.

_andy.jpg -- andy. gotta love the bed-head look.

_kim.jpg -- grr, baby.

_jochad_2.jpg -- johnny, chris l., and adam at lunch hour.

_sxechris.jpg -- oh baby.

_chrisx2.jpg -- chris m. and crackhead chris. yay.

_lick.jpg -- kenny. i stole this pic from ashley's site 'cos i didn't have a picture of kenny. i've printed this picture out several times just to burn the copies. psychotic tendencies of an ex-girlfriend, i suppose.

_look.jpg -- i have no clue what these people are looking at. humantiddys, i bet.

_chrishaha.jpg -- what is with that facial expression? haha. silly chris.

_chris.jpg -- chris k. again.

_chrishump.jpg -- chris humping the wall...

_jacobheehee.jpg -- jacob. uh.

_remooops.jpg -- oops. i didn't mean to take a picture of remo. i meant to take a picture of hanmi. well... there's hanmi's head in the left corner.

_zach.jpg -- zach smiling like a retard while charles jumps over a desk in the background.

_annapocket.jpg -- anna digging into the secret pocket of ashley's pants... looks a little awkward.

_00.jpg -- ashley. aw. how cute.


_eww.jpg -- this is one thing they serve us in the cafeteria. they believe we have a death wish. good thing i didn't pick up any of that crap.

_mustkillkenny.jpg -- ahh, vengance. quite a lovely edit of _lick.jpg. i would've done more editing, but.. i didn't want to look like a total freak.