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streambox ripper, dsr streaming tutorial

Note: if you want to stream the audio on our page without downloading it simply right click on the song you want to hear and go to copy shortcut then open up real player and either click the address bar once and hit ctrl v to paste the link or right click the address bar and go to paste, after the address is pasted hit enter and it will play the song right off the internet without downloading it so you can sample the songs. make sure you hit enter and don't click play otherwise this wont work hitting play will play the last song you had on real player, who knows why... on that matter who cares.

Ok now on how to convert the downloaded *.rm or *.ram files into wavs or mp3s for better quality or to burn them to a cd, you need to download stream box ripper (available below) which is only available on because the company was sued by real media, so get it while you can. anyways on how to do it install the program and load it up drag the song you want to convert to the window, click convert a window will pop up with the settings, look at the quality box if the original quality isn't 44,100, stereo, click the box that says change to change the sampling rate to 44,100 Hz and the channels to stereo (if you don't do this the quality will be super low on a cd) next change your destination directory to a folder you can find easy, c:\windows\desktop is always good, next is output it doesn't matter what you pick besides WMA so choose either mp3 or wav if your low on hard drive space I recommend mp3 it takes up less space. You don't need any filters so just hit ok. It might take a few seconds depending on your computer but when finished the decoded file will appear where ever you choose your destination directory to be. If you want to convert a whole directory of real media files simply open the program click batch, change the input directory to where the real media files are and the output directory to where you want them to go. And hit ok, the only thing about this is, the files cannot end with .RAM they must be .RM I don't know why but it wont work if they do so just change them by clicking the file, hitting F2 on your keyboard and removing the a out of .ram. If your still having trouble contact me.
Download Stream box Ripper