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Me, Myself, and I
Wednesday, 25 August 2004
Im Very Bored
Mood:  lazy
Now Playing: Yellowcard
Im Bored! So i decided to write in my blog today! yesterday i put in two entrys, one about me being depressed, and one about me in general, so i decided to talk about you! I dont know who you are, unless your my friend ^_^ so i dont have much to say, except, thank you for actually tollerating my rambling and waiting for something good to come out of all that. And in other news, I got the worst schedual for school in my life, and my neopets account was frozen, because i was hacked. So life is just wayyyyyyy to good (that was sarcasm.) Everytime i say that though, ppl get way too woried and think im suicidal, but just so you know, im not. Really, i have no intention to kill myself ^_^, anyway, cya later

Posted by anime6/wolfemanga at 4:53 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 25 August 2004 4:54 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 24 August 2004
Me Again ^_^
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Nothing
You might see this on Shellys journal too:

A little about yourself?
>< Given Name:: Jonathon
>< Gender:: Male
>< Age:: Fifteen
>< Date of Birth:: July 1, 1989
>< Marital Status:: OMG, Im fifteen
>< Hair Color:: Blonde
>< Hair Type:: Getting Longer
>< Eye color:: Dark Blue
>< Skin Color:: White
>< Height:: 5'3
>< AIM/AOL Screen Name:: noj600

>< Word(s):: Ziltch
>< Language:: English, some German
>< Food:: Pizza, what else?
>< Drink:: Dunno
>< Band:: Evanescence
>< Singer:: Amy Lee!!!
>< T.V Show:: Simpsons, or any Sitcom!!
>< Movie:: ALIEN!
>< Pet:: I gotta Dog, Briz, and my Kitten, Fiona
>< Animal:: Wolves, no question!
>< Number:: 600
>< Telephone Number:: dont have one, but its funny when ppl put radio station numbers on speed dial!
>< Holiday:: If my birthday counts...
>< Weather:: That cold fall morning
>< Flower:: Paper Flowers
>< Scent:: Hmm... never thought about it
>< Color:: Aquamarine
>< Celebrity:: Chester Bennington!
>< DVD:: Lets see, Prolly... I dunno

Have you ever?
>< Kissed the same sex?: No, im a guy, i dont do that
>< Had Sex?: Like i said, im fifteen
>< Gotten detention?: Oh yeah...
>< Got Grounded?: Yeah
>< Cheated On Someone?: No
>< Were Caught Cheating?: I didnt cheat on anyone...
>< Lost Your Wallet?: Like theres anything in it anyway >< Lost Your Cellular Phone?: Nope, well, misplaced it once er twice
>< Spied On Your Mom And Dad?: Theres nothing I'd want to know about them (oh, god)
>< Were Caught Doing something wrong?: Yes, many, many times
>< Cursed At Your Parents?: No
>< Been In love?: Yes
>< Anything close to being in love?: Well, i guess
>< Been Loved?: I really hope so...
>< Used a Friend?: Im not that kinda person
>< Been Used By A Friend?: Yup
>< Lost a Friend?: No, i try to keep em
>< Been Cheated On?: NO!
>< Been To the Emergency Room?: No
>< Broken a Bone?: No

Are you...
>< Lesbian/Gay?: No
>< Bisexual?: Well, no
>< Somewhat Attractive?: No Comment
>< Depressed?: Oh, Yeah, When am i not?
>< In Pain?: Not right now...
>< Worried?: At school...
>< In Shock?: No... wait, what?
>< Excited?: Im going on vacation, so yes!
>< Happy?: A little
>< Obsessed?: About what?
>< A Drug Addict?: Well, there was that one time... Just kidding, lol
>< A Smoker?: No, and proud of it
>< An Alcoholic?: Nope
>< A Loner?: not to my knowledge
>< Loved?: Hey, you already asked me this
>< Hated?: By many
>< Wanted?: Depends...
>< Unwanted?: Isnt that hated?
>< Shy?: Very
>< Bored?: More than you know
>< Having Fun?: If you can call this fun, yeah, I guess
>< Listening To Music?: Not right now
>< Watching T.V?: Nope
>< On the Computer?: What the (bad word) sorry, good thing for my sensor, huh?
>< Doing Homework?: Oh, god no
>< Single?: Yes, sadly
>< Taken?: Hmm... thats hard to say, just look at my previous answer

>< Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate
>< Dog or Cat?: Cat
>< Sleeping or Awake?: Sleeping
>< Sunny or Gloomy?: Gloomy
>< Dark or Light?: Dark
>< Pretty or Ugly?: Like I'd choose ugly...
>< Wanted or Unwanted?: Unwanted, prolly
>< Burgers or Hot Dogs?: Burgers
>< Sitting or Standing Up?: Depends, where am I?
>< Computer or T.V?: Computer
>< Noise or Silence?: Silence
>< Boys or Girls?: Taking into account that I am a guy, I'd say girls
>< Virgin or Non-Virgin?: Virgin...
>< Slut or Decent?: You answer that for me
>< Nice or Mean?: I consider myself nice, but ppl call me mean sometimes
>< Stupid or Smart?: Stupid, duh!
>< Shy or Funny?: Shy, most of the time
>< Rain or Snow?: Oh god, I HATE snow!
>< Cold or Warm?: Warm
>< Alone or Companioned?: Alone
>< School or No School?: Depends on my mood
>< Enemy or Friend?: Friend
>< Cat Fight or Fist Fight?: fist fight, what else
>< Gum or Candy?: Candy!
>< Juice or Soda?: I'll agree with Shelly and say V8 cause its good!
>< Beer or Cigarette?: Havent tried either
>< Old or Young?: Young, what else?
>< Boring or Fun?: I think im boring
>< Numbers or Letters?: Letters, i suck at math
>< Bath or Shower?: Bath, showers are too short
>< Dry or Wet?: Dry
>< Sex, Drugs, or Rock and Roll?: umm... Rock and roll... Like i had to answer that...

>< Wearing?: Dress clothes (for a reason)
>< Watching?: Nothing
>< Listening To?: Ahh... Silence is a virtue!
>< Staring At?: Lets see, my computer maybe?
>< Eating?: Null
>< Drinking?: Null (again)
>< Smelling?: Do i have to be smelling something?
>< Tasting?: Null (again again)
>< Thinking?: I'm usually not thinking
>< Mood?: Depressed

Who was the last person...
>< You Talked To?: My Brother, Jake
>< You Listened To?: Well, I blank out jake yelling, so the person before that, which was... My Dad
>< You Looked At?: Jake
>< You Touched?: No one
>< You Hugged?: No one
>< You Kissed?: No one
>< Had Sex With?: No one
>< You Instant Messaged?: Sean, my friend from school
>< You Text messaged?: No one
>< You Were On the Phone With?: Umm... Prolly Nicole, my friend from my neighborhood
>< You Lost?: Umm... My Uncle :(
>< You Missed?: I dont know
>< You Needed?: No one
>< You Loved?: I dont wanna say...
>< You Wanted?: ^See above answer^
>< You cried with?: I try to cry, but I cant...
>< You Laughed With?: I dont remember laughing
>< Yelled At?: Cant remember
>< Who Pissed You Off?: My Parents...
>< Who Made You Happy?: What is this "Happy"?
>< Who Made You Sad?: Everyone, Except friends
>< Who Made You Cry?: ppl who make me sad
>< You Said Hello To?: I dunno, prolly my dad
>< You Said Goodbye To?: I Guess you: Goodbye ^_^

Posted by anime6/wolfemanga at 4:56 PM CDT
Updated: Wednesday, 25 August 2004 4:41 PM CDT
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My Return
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Evanescence
Its been awhile since I've posted... I know, but I've been having a really crappy week... I'm going on vacation, and I'm going to miss the first two days of school! thats a plus! but otherwise... anyway, I dont have anything to talk about... Sorry ppl, cya next post

Posted by anime6/wolfemanga at 4:11 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 24 August 2004 4:12 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 14 July 2004
Evanescence Concert
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: What Else, Im at an Evanescence Concert
Well, the concert was AMAZING! Evanescence Rocks! I just hoped they would come out with new songs... oh well, it was still enjoyable!!! VERY ENJOYABLE! Wow, this was a short entry, oh well, see ya when i see ya... Bye!

Posted by anime6/wolfemanga at 9:13 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 24 August 2004 4:15 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 7 July 2004
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: Linkin Park
Hi, I have my first real entry now! Ok, first I want to tell you about a concert I am going to! Its Evanescence, and I am going in the amout of days it says in my countdown timer on the bottom of the Home Page. At this time it says 6 days. And secondly, Look at the page a link titled "My Friend, Sean's Page" goes to. I am going to try to get him to put a link to my site on his ^_^. and also, go to this site: It is another of my friends sites. I am going to put a link to it shortly, but for now, I'm just gonna talk. As you may have seen, I will be having a page put up that is for people who know the password, or "Members" of my site. Go ahead and give people the password all you like when it is announced. And I will also be putting up a site with links to every Happy Tree Friends episode I know the URL for ^_^, I have already begun construction on that. Well, that concludes my talk for today. You can expect another Blog Entry the day after the Evanescence Concert. I hope to have lots of stuff to talk about. Well, Cya Later ^_^

Posted by anime6/wolfemanga at 2:55 PM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 24 August 2004 4:18 PM CDT
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Friday, 2 July 2004
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: Nothing
Hello, my name is Jon Roesler, but you can call me Wolfe (My Nickname) I am a teenage boy who is learning how to draw Manga style, i want to someday form a band (I sort of practice with my Electric Keyboard) and I dont know why, but I really like punk music. Thats me, now, you can check my posts if you want. There really is no regular post time, but whenever, come by to see what I have written, I look forward to it ^_^

Posted by anime6/wolfemanga at 2:20 AM CDT
Updated: Tuesday, 24 August 2004 4:18 PM CDT
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