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Lill Baby Angelz Plaze Two





 ~*me,myself and i*~






Lill Baby Angel

**!GOTHIC and PROUD, Each SCAR has Its STORY!**


 1,64 *IKKE mobb*

!Liten Og Stolt Av Det! 20 grunner hvorfor det er bra å være liten:

1.en to seter er stor nokk til å liggi i. | 2.ingen bukser er for korte.

3.du trenger aldri bøye deg for noen. | 4.du ser aldri ned på noen.

5.du får utrolig god spenst!(ettersom du må hoppe for å nå ting hele tida.)

6.ei sol-krem flaske holder i 2 sommre. | 7.ei dobbel seng virker som et himmel rike.

8.du vinner alltid i gjemsel. | 9.du får aldri kuler i panna fordi du aldri går på dørkarmer.

10.fok deler gjerne seng,baksete osv med deg, fordi du tar så liten plass.

11.u slipper at fok ser opp i nesebora dine.|12.u har alltid god plass til beina når u

sitter på fly,tog,i bil osv.

13.vil u være høiere1dag tar u på dg sko med høye hæler(hva r muligheten for at høye folk

 kan bli korte for1dag liksom)

14.u kan faktisk svinge med føttene når u sitter på1stol|15.når u r litt for full kan enhver

heve dg skuldra og få dg hjem.

16.mens en lang person (over 1.70..) tar 130 skritt tar du 280!!!(altså er du alltid i bedre

 form en de fleste.)

17.alt smått blir assosiert med fine ting (søtt,uskyldig osv...) en finfin fasade å gjemme

 seg bak.

18.du trenger ikke bøye deg så langt for å plukke opp ting.|19.du skaller aldri i taket

når du kjører på en humpette vei.

og tilslutt nr 20. du har ikke så stor fallhøyde,så det gjør ik så vondt hvis du faller på rompa.


Brunette 4 evah!


 21 september 1988

Marital Status: 





Åssidah VGS

 Går formgivning dah (VK1) 


 Meg tegna...ikke mobb...


2 hunder på lån..lolziz ;) sara og sally

*se bildet under*

Og et marsvin med name snuppzi ;D

Fav Moviez:


Fav Colorz:

kongeblå,sort og blodrød.


Steffen giseth martinsen 4 ever!

!~Super Sexi Steffen Siiiin 4 Life~!

!~Jeg Elsker Deg Så Utrolig Høit Gutten Min! Du Betyr Absolutt Alt For Meg~!

!~Du Er Så Utrolig Driiiit Fiiin! Og Jeg Elsker Deg For Akkurat Den Du Er My Beijbii Boo~!

!~Håper Det Blir Oss 2 For Alltiiid~!

Down 2 The Ground, Up 2 The Sky...Touch My Man!



folk som lyver meg mitt opp i trynet,

kødder med vennene mine eller flørter med typen



nope, im just a bitch...

Fav Artiztz:

EMIN3M,Good Charlotte,Gatas Parlament,TUNGTVANN,

Green Day,DIRTY OPPLAND,Klovner i Kamp,MilcInc

Fav Quote:

.:!SeXiE Lill ANGeL, AlWaYs TrUe, LiViNg It Up WiTh My!:.

.:!BeiJbi BoO!:.

Fav Magasin:



Fav Friendz:

~*WhEn I GeT StReSsEd I KnO IlL Be AlRiGhT ...

CuZ I GoT **Lill Shortie** To MaH LeFt AnD

**Bejbi Puz** To MaH RiGhT **Lill Smurf** In BaCk

To CaTcH MeH If I FaLl AnD **Ida Puzen** In FrOnT To

GuIdE MeH ThRoUgH It AlL. **Carro**s AlWaYs BeEn ThErE ThRoUgH

 ThIcK N ThIn... Me n **Maiken** ArE MaD CrAzY ThErE Is No

CoUnTiN HoW MuCh TrOuBlE We GeT In.**Henriette** Is JuS StRaIgHt

OuT AwEsOmE AnD Shes AlWaYs ThErE FoR Me,

AnD i LoVe ThiZ GiRlZ `n So ManY MoRe...

BuT ReMember Non Of Uz WoUld Be HeRe If ThE RubBer DidNt ToRe ;p

AOL Screen Name:

Lill Baby Angel



sexie _lill_angel_4_evah




i'D rAtHer beE a ByTcH tHaN a HoE
sO im kNoWn fOr wHaT i dO
nOt FoR whoO i scReW

(non folk kan vell ta et hint av den maby..?)




~SallY VovvVovveN MiiiN SiiiiiiiN~

~SarA VovvVovveN Miiiiiiiin~





love sucks -heystella              

















[User Picture]                      


















~A Nigthmare Before Christmas ~


~Elsker Den Filmen~

                                                          ~The Best Movie EVER made!~


















                                                        tainted beauty rose -leslierenee


sorry -?                                           


i hate the way -?                                        














  [User Picture]                                              












An alls well that ends okay,so ill leave you with this shit

 – fuck you but have a nice day.


       -KiZzeZ FrOm Lill Baby Angel-






A 1,0000 Wordz Could Not Bring You Back,We Know B`coz We`ve Tried.

           Neether Could A 1,0000 Tears,We Know B`coz We`ve Cried.

        You Left Behind So Many Broken Heartz,Happy Memories Too,

                But We Dont Want The Memories,We Want Back You.

 ~ I Sørgende Minne Om Christine Som Ble Brått Revet Vekk Fra Oss Våren 04 ~



                   FOR ALWAYS IN OUR HEARTZ CHRISTINE :'( 






If you want to know what it feels like to be me, get your heart broken into a million pieces then lit on fire and stomped on, get your back stabbed thirty three times, slit your wrists open, dont blink your eyes for three days, dont sleep for 72 hours, have everyone desert you, have your best friend make fun of your weakest area, watch the love of your life love someone else, destroy the heart of the one who loves you, then maybe just maybe, you'll have a glimpse of my soul.



I'm only happy when it rains
I'm only happy when it's complicated
and though I know you can't appreciate it I'm only happy when it rains
you know I love it when the news is bad
and why it feels so good to feel so sad
I'm only happy when it rains




LeT Me Be aNGRy...PLeaSe...iT'S THe oNLy Way THaT i CaN KeeP you FRoM SeeiNG
HoW MuCH i ReaLLy NeeD you.



i WaS hiS sTaR 4 MaNy NiTeZ
nOw dA rOLeS chAnGeD n Ur tHe LeAdiN LaDy n HiS LyFe
LiGhTs, CaMeRa, nOw u*rE oN
jUsT rEmEmBeR u*vE bEeN wArNeD
eNjoY iT NoW b/C iT woNt LaZt
SaMe ScRipT BUT DiFfErEnT CaZt



YoUr'E ThE ReAsOn I LiVe AnD ThE ReAsOn I DiE
YoUrE tHe ReAsOn i SmILe YeT BrEaK DoWn & CrY
YoUr'E ThE ReAsOn I KeEp GoInG AnD ThE ReAsOn I FaLL
CuZ WiThOuT yOu In My LiFe I'm NoThInG At aLL

<3 steffen <3


LIfes is a bitch

The world is cruel and hard and cold,

Its the place were soules are sucked dry and hearts are sold.

You want to go Nuts and scream and cry.

Life is a bitch, and that’s no lie!

Guys will use you, dump you, forget You

 and lather they will act like  They never have met you,

 friends Can be there fore you day after  Day.

 But when things get to Hard, they will soon run away. 

Its like we all live in a giant Machine,

where everyone has to Be selfish and mean.

 Life is a Contest, a game ore a hunt.

They all push you aside to go Get what they want.

You pick up the tricks as you Go along.

 What doesn’t kill you Will make you strong,

 i`ve Learned my lesson as time has Gone by .

Lifes a Bitch, but so am I!



I hurt myself today
to see if I still feel
I focus on the pain
the only thing that's real
the needle tears a hole
the old familiar sting
try to kill it all away
but I remember everything
what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
and you could have it all
my empire of dirt

I will let you down
I will make you hurt

I wear this crown of thorns
upon my liar's chair
full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair
beneath the stains of time
the feelings disappear
you are someone else
I am still right here

what have I become?
my sweetest friend
everyone I know
goes away in the end
and you could have it all
my empire of dirt

I will let you down
I will make you hurt

if I could start again
a million miles away
I would keep myself
I would find a way

to let this feeling go...



BuT MaH LuV GoeS ouT To a CeRTaiN FeW
THa oNeZ WHo R THeRe THRu GooD N BaD
iD Say THeyR Da BeST FRieNDZ iVe eVeR HaD


!but love my boy even bettah<3!


*I aM Da GiRL i No YoU WouLD Lie FoR*
**TaKe a BuLLeT aND STRaiGHT uP Die FoR**