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Welcome to my site. Unfortunately I don't have very much experience with designing web pages, and my site is still under construction. The links above will guide you around my site. Aswell as sending you to severel sites i use very frequently. If you are interested in viewing some of my artwork, or you are an artist yourself, check out Artwork. I have included some of my original sketches and a few favorite anime pictures. If you are also an avid Anime fan, check out my Anime section... there may be a wallpaper or background that you particularily like. The images change around every week, so check out whats new! I have also included reviews of the recent Anime series that my incredible girlfriend and I have recently watched. Both of our opinions are included in the Reviews secton if you are interested. They will be updated as often as we watch new series. Below is a link to the site hosting the series,"Ninjai". A small project designed by the "Ninjai Gang". I encourage you to take a look at their site!

If you find any coding problems with my site, or something doesn't work (and you care that much!), email me at: