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Welcome to ++For Once, Forever++!
+ Synosis
+ Creator
+ Dub vs. Sub
+ Kinomoto Sakura
+ Li Syaoran
+ Tomoyo Dadouji
+ Kinomoto Touya
+ Kero/Cerberus
+ Yue/ Tsuitersito Yukito

+ Rumoured Relationships
+ Real Relationships

+ Link
+ Link
+ Link
+ Link
+ Link

+ Link
+ Link
+ Link
+ Link
+ Link

++For Once. Forever++ belongs to Arigatou-sama. All content displayed belongs to the web[master/mistress] unless otherwise specified. Images used are copyrighted to their respectful owners. Layout design by Moon Wave.

September 1st, 2003

Welcome to ++For Once, Forever++, a site dedicated to the anime and manga, Cardcaptor Sakura. Please enjoy your stay and I hope that you will have a great time in the world of Cardcaptor Sakura!

To edit the welcome message on top, look for this in the coding:
<!!---------start WELCOME MESSAGE-----------!!>

To edit the menu/navigation, look for this in the coding:
<!!-----------start MENU----------------!!>

To edit the content section, look for this in the coding:
<!!----------start CONTENT------------!!>

I hope that simplifies things ^^;; This is a linkware... Don't remove or alter the "Design by Moon Wave" text in the disclaimer at the end of the menu. That's plain rudeness X_X;

One last thing, the required HTML skills needed for this layout are knowing how to edit (1)links and (2)text. And oh, you should know a line break is this: <br>. That's it... o.o; If you plan on having an image gallery, then you'll need to know how to add that, too ^^;;

Do not e-mail me for help! Sorry... ¬_? I'm not nice =P Unfortunately, along with websites also comes an overflood of e-mails. I've developed a fear of checking e-mails... don't make it worse for me =___=; Can only blame for that T_T; But *huggles* I love my site *lol* Sites I should say ^^;; Even if they drive me nuts x.x;

Lucy @ 10:51 PM EST