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Library of Zi

Welcome to the Library of Zi, a site dedicated to Zoids and the anime that takes after them. Click on the buttons below to go to the desired page. A description of each page can be found beneath the map.

Site Navigation Map

The Zoid button leads to the Zoid profiles, stats and discriptions of the many Zoids in the anime series. Weapons is for profiles on the ordnance of Zi. Characters leads to biographies of the main characters of Chaotic Century, Guardian Force, and New Century Zero. Fan Fiction is just as it sounds, and RPG will be under construction for a while yet. So you like my images? Just hit the Images button to get the url all the images used on this site. Info holds many things, like links to other sites, the history of Zi, FAQs, etc.

I am always looking for new info, pics, or friends, so e-mail me for any questions or comments.