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The song playing is a battlesong from DBZ...It's really cool...gotta' hear it...It don't have a 'STOP' button...heh heh..but you can right click the play button if u want it off....

= Incomplete ( can click on it....but you won't get very far....Actually...I have to find them...since you-know-who deleted stuff!!!!)
I accepted the offer to become a staff member...I closed down my site....Boohoo....that's okay beacause I was in the middle of it being renavated....besides..I don't wanna help people make sites and stuff. Well...What am I doing now???I am typing for starters..I'm listening to She Get it From her Momma and holding a kitten..A little 2 week old kitty named Goten...Yes..Goten.I'm adding a new section...Video Game reviews.So far I've played 2 DBZ games...DBZ Budakai and Ultimate Battle 22(Which I now own)...Well...Almost everything is back up...I'm also gonna add another section very soon with other kinds of music files and very soon another link with backgrounds and graphix.....OUTEE!!!


Yoko asked me if I wanted to be a staff member....I don't know though...I mean...I like to run things on my on....I'm trying to maintain my own "Website Help" site thats been running for about eight months now....Maybe I should accept....(Yoko's on vacation right now so I don't think she'll read this)..But..what I'm saying is...I'm thinking about accepting because I'm kind of getting tired of helping other people and then all they do is go back and destroy what I've done...I should have my answer by Sunday.


9:45 P.M.
I just felt you should know this.....

So, 4-6 was not my last day....I thought it would be.....but....guess what!? Yoko, being dumb and nieve, deleted "by accident" some of the stupid files and links! So now! I have to search my hardrive for everything!!!Aaauuughhh! I'm 'bout to give up here! I mean.....She even deleted all the layouts and stuff...You see, she said she was adding a new page and she highlighted the layout code to Copy and paste....Why do they even put the "cut" option above the "copy" button!!!!???#_# Well, Yoko "accidently" hit "cut"!!!!Now I'm stuck fixing everything!!!Good thing I have the layout codes on Wordpad....Pretty smart huh??I have everything saved just in case something like this happened.....So..I'll be working on this site for a week more putting everything back...This site has been taking ALL of my time....Maybe I should stop helping other people and finish renovating my site....and let everyone else fix their mistakes!!!!!!But...I'm a loyal person that sticks to what she is doing......So....BYE!


P.S. I have about 17 songs in the music link....I still have about 10 more to find....Until then...Everything is down....
Allright!! Everything is done!!!All I gotta do is add links to the right places!!And then I'm done with this site!!!See,...I havn't updated my site in weeks cuz I've been helping out on this one....After, I am done with this site...I have to help ANOTHER person!!And I'm supposed to give my site a new layout which is kind'a complicated to do!Well...In a bit I'm gonna' do a site called 'Goku's Dinnerplate' Yes, yet another DBZ site AGAIN!!Do you know how many summaries of DBZ I have been reading.....?!As many as I could....Well, only the stuff I needed to know...Well...I think this might be my last day here....So good-bye to -U- all and enjoy!


P.S. (Grins evily) And all my links stay here and Yoko can't take em' off cuz' I got the password to this site.Hee hee hee. And I'll jus' put em' back on...
More updates huh??Tyred of em' yet??Well, the episode of DBZ I watched yesterday had a cutie named Trunks in it...I think the episode yasterday was called Grandaughter Pan...Iz that how you spell grandaughter??? Yeah!!! I'm going add the other links on this site!!!


Okay...Iv'e been watching DBZ because I have to know what it's about and all...Well, I've been watchin it for the past 3 weeks and it's a really cool show! I think I'm now addicted. I mean, I watch Rorouni Kenshin, you could probably tell since I got Kenshin's pic as MY banner,I like it so much I've decided to put a page about it,Yoko told me I could as a thanks,:), but I didn't know DBZ came on before that...I think I spelled that right...Hmmmm...DON'T CARE!! I've also been going to all kinds of DBZ sites to get ideas....Piccolo's Palace is great!! So is anime-refugee...but PP(Piccolos Palace) is closed right know...Well...gotta' add more stuff!!! Outeez!!!



Sup??I'm Sheego. I create this site because Yoko doesn't know nuthin' 'bout HTML and stuff.I've made sites for people before but never a DBZ site. Nuh-UH! I don't know how this will turn out, may be a good site....may be a bad site...only time will tell. Well... my webname is Sheego...Sheego Crazy (Get it??She Go Crazy!!!)Outeez...


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