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The Best Site In the World

Final Fantasy 7
Anime (not up yet)
Humor Gallery
Polls (check update news)

8-05-04 New sites up. go there, this place is dead 4-17-04 Big News: This site will be moving to
sometime around the mid-summer. There will be no updates in between, so remember the URL and don't forget to visit.
t('_'<) ===================================================================== 3-27-04
RAwR I have gained yet another level in my studies of HTML, I have acquired the knowledge of thumbnail images and images that are links. -=Ph33r=-
The Black Mages (Graal Section)
Convo 34
===================================================================== 2-29-04

Haha 2 months...No one cares. I changed the the site name again, as you can clearly see. I think I've reached that conceited peak of UBERISM. Anyway, I've added five convos. I have so much to put on this site, but I haven't the time...or the focus. I might update some tommarow or the day after, but I am not going to let it turn into another 2 month wait. HEIL! ===================================================================== 1-5-04

First update of the new year...I completely remodled the convo section. I changed the color scheme because I know no one likes staring at a light-bulb in a box. I've added three convos, full of bullshit, to amuse the dumbfucks who come here. Also, I took down the convos I thought were made of pure adulturated shit (the first 9) mainly because they starred me and my prepubscent rage of getting a hard-on off shitty games and my ranting about American cartoons and how awesome it iz 2 type lik dis(.) ===================================================================== 12-4-03

Sorry...guyz. To the point, you'll notice I changed my site's name. It's the name I made for my Manticore ship in Escape Velocity Nova. Added background (i think), four convos, a quote, and...yea...more later...maybe soon ===================================================================== 11-4-03

Woo...election day. I added three more convos 24-26. I'd do more but my keyboard decided to tear up and that bummed me out. I might add the ton of stuff tommarow. =====================================================================
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