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Mow's Wall of weiss ness info

My Favorite of weiss

Mow: okay there are only two reasons aya is on bg and main image ,1 is he's leader of weiss and 2 is my best bud loves the guy and so do some of you I'm guessing so I won't say anything too harsh...
Aya:This place is for the information sort of things for weiss.This is for us and us alone....right?
Vatany: *looks at aya then glomps him around the waist*
Aya: *sweatdrop* *looks at vatany with a slight confused and annoyed look*
mow: Oh-kay so there yeah go and well i was thinking and decided thoguh weiss and shwartz are the same anime im still makeing one just for shwartz yeah nyah:P

The story

Weiß is given a mission by Persia, which they must carry out using their unique weapon-wielding abilities. Aya (Koyasu Takeshito) uses his mighty samorai sword to exact his type of silent justice. Ken (Seki Tomokazu) swipes his victims with razor-sharp bucknuk (a la Wolverine;)). Yoij (Miki Shin-ichiro) strangle his targets with an almost invicible wire, leaving grisly hanged corpses for any unlucky late visitors to the killing. Omi (YuukiHiro) uses distance to his advantage by stealthily shooting his enemies with a variety of darts and arrows. Omi is also the intelligence behind Weiß as he uses his computer skills to hack into mainframes from his handy laptop. Weiß uses the cover of four florists working at the 'Kitten in the House' flower shop. All the girls from the local high school to visit the four handsome young men, buying flowers and plants hust to get a long glimpse or a 'Hi' out of them. Yoij, the ladies man, likes the attention as the ladies swarm around him like bees to honey (hmmm...honey...hehe I like that ^^. Omi and Ken are a bit amused by the girls' adoration of them, but Aya the most uncomfortable of all the group, shuuning the girls as much as possible.

Weiss charecters

Aya "the leader"
"soccer boy"
Yohji "the player"
Omi "the youngest"


Brad "the leader"
"farferello "the insane"
Shuldich "mind master"
Nagi "Angst freak"
Cell 1 Cell 2


Cell 1 Cell 2
Cell 1 Cell 2
Cell 1 Cell 2
Cell 1 Cell 2


Cell 1 Cell 2
Cell 1 Cell 2
Cell 1 Cell 2
Cell 1 Cell 2