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my wierdness

baka neko
baka pride instiute
over the rainbow bridge
toot toot ville

hey well this is just my ranting about me and my friend! well i'll start with me!................ i'm 23, and i'm a student. i'm currently going for medical asssiting. i love anime with a passion.i love 80's and punk rock! well, i'm singel and looking. and well enough about me!............................................................. my friend (or shall i say meats lol!) is dezi! she is a college student to. cept she's gonna teach brats, i mean kids. she's 19, and singel too. she's looking as well! but hell, ain't we all! were both dorky otaku's! and our biggest dream is to go to japan, and find kamui, and subaru look alikes. well dat's it 4 now!

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