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Cover Letter

antoine marshall
Shukumei Studio


Hello,my name is Antoine Marshall and I'm in the last year of high school.I am a writer,2d and 3d animator,and a basic C++ user.I have been into the Japanese culture for well over 12 years and I even to the basic of writing,reading,and speaking it.I plan on going to the Arts Institute of San Francisco to get my degree in Game Art and Design,but I also plan on making my own Anime and Manga series too,so I can be a jack of all trades when it comes to the two most popular fields out right now. Also,I plan on starting my own video game studio that I hope will innovate the industry for years to come,but first,I want to get as much connections as I possibly can.So,when that day comes,people will already know of me and it will make it that much easier for me to get that foot through the door.I don't care for the money or being famous because I know that will come and go.So I hope to bring people into a whole new realm of imagination with my stories. I want people to read through a book or in this case,a manga and be able to put theirselves into that character's shoes...that character's mindset and understand where that character is coming from.In all my stories the main character is not good nor bad because there is no such thing as a good or bad character,so this makes all my characters seem more real,since people can relate. This is the reason why I want to work with your production,because you host different point of views of characters and I believe I can bring a new outlook on certain stereotypes and actually make them into more original types such as,the loner type that usually is that way because he hates everyone or because he was hurt in the past.Most people can't relate because no one totally hates everyone or was hurt to the point of being alone,but I turn these type of characters into a more REAL character by putting the reader into his shoes and making them think and say,"Wow,for them to treat him like that it makes sense he wants to be alone".By doing this,the reader feel a more real life ordeal with him,since everyone at one point in there life was thought as a outcast,a perfect example is the first day of school.You know no body and because of this you feel alone and castout from the others that already knew each other. So to make a long story short,I think I would bring a new,fresh look in the storytelling field of Manga and with my real life approach in my stories,it's hard to predict how it will turn out,leaving suspense with every turn of the page.