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AKA: Kero, Kero-chan

Birthday: Unknown

Favorite Foods: Sweet Foods

Hates To Eat: Bitter Foods

Favorite Thing: Video Games

Favorite Color: Orange

Favorite TV Program: Comedies

Favorite Flower: Sunflower

Wants: A New Video Game

Hee, I like that picture of Kero, going all happy because of his food. Anyway, Cerberus (from here on known as Kero because it's... better) is the gaurdian of the cards. When Sakura opened the book, *poof*, she got Kero. Then he helps her get the cards, blah, blah blah. He's got an interesting accent because the book was in Osaka for a while, and it just kind of stuck (which they apparently translate to a bad NY accent in the dub, eh, whatever). Kero has attributes of the sun, just like Yue has the moon. (Anything else?) Oh, he has his true form, as well, so he's not always a "stuffed animal". He's really a big lion-like thing.

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