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Konnichiwa minna-sama! Welcome to Fairytales Version 3.0!

6.3.03 Huzzah! A new layout! I like this one, too, bunches. I hope you do, too! What brought on the change? 1-wasn't incredibly fond of the last one, it was alright, but not a fave. 2-and probably the biggest, I was invited into a webring! woo hoo! Guess it made me feel the need to update. Then again, this is just makin' it purdier... maybe some ::gasp:: content updates will come next. Time shall tell. Alrighty, bye for now!








Welcome, welcome! I'm so happy you've decided to grace me with your presence. ^^ It's just nice to know that other people come here... Well, as you might be able to tell, if you didn't know already, this is a site dedicated to that fabulous work of CLAMP (those goddesses of all things manga), Cardcaptor Sakura. Notice then, I said Cardcaptor SAKURA, not... that other... thing that they aired on TV. Also here, I generally follow the manga more than the anime, when there are differences-mostly just because I remember more of the manga, and well, I'm more biased towards manga anyway. ^^ Oh! I also greatly enjoy Touya/Yuki, as in them, together. If that doesn't exactly float your boat, you're alright with still staying here. But if it does, yay you, and I'll try to add more in that area sometime. Anyway, take a gander at the links to your left, choose one, have fun, and come back soon, pretty please? Because you can be sure I'll miss you if you don't. Alrighty then, 'till later my fellow Cardcaptor Sakura fans!




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