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The Dark Angels Sanctuary — Profile

Name:  Raven Melyna HiRyu
Location:  In my own little world....
Birthday:  4 December, 1998
Bio:  I'm a 13 year old, who is more grown up that she should be. In my mind anyway. I'm also....well...Not grown up enough at the same time.I live in Cali with my Mom Dad and annoying little bro who is two. Yeesh.....I'm in the eigth grade at LaurelCrest Private School for Girls. Gag me. No, I am not a prep, nor am I completely a punk. I just like the way they dress and love shopping in Hot Topic! ^^
Interests:  Online RPG's, video games (esp. the Final Fantasy series) anime, cosplay, fanfiction and original fiction, drawing, taking pictures,surfing the web, yaoi (I told you I was too grown up)the Japanese culture, and guys (the shy sweet type!!! ^^)
Blog Created:  Thursday, 4 September 2003
Last Updated:  Tuesday, 16 September 2003 - 9:34 AM PDT
Blog Entries:  5

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