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Jess' Awesome-mon Homepage!

Hello and welcome to Jess' Awesome-mon Homepage! I am Jess, if you didn't know that already. This small, mini, page will get you to all the sites own by yours truely. ^^' Keep in mind that I'm 15 and my life doesn't depend on all my sites. But ANYWAY, onto introducing the pages! *pulls out 6 pieces of paper* We start with Under-a-Tree. This site is known for information about me and my made up digimon, Swordmon. Next page... *throws last page away* Then there's JessAnthonyMakino's Xanga Site and The Naomi Miamara Headlines, yes I know I skipped Hut of a Hedgehog I'll get back to that. Both sites are xanga sites, like little livejournal thingys, I will be posting my reviews on JessAnthonyMakino Xanga site, and The NM Headlines is a diary/journal thingy I'm doing for a story. Alright, Hut of a Headgehog: Poetry At Midnight is for my poetry, I will have to get back to updating that soon. JaymiSaeki's DeviantART Thingy is where I will be putting up more pixel art, and more of my other art that come from the computer and my lovely pencils. And last but not least, The Digidex of My 4 Maidens, Jaymi, Lizzie, myself, and Aya. There, you will find information about my digimon and the 4 maidens. I hope you enjoyed reading this, I know that was pretty corny, but for those of you that are still here, *holds out a box* have a Nutter Butter... or if you don't like those... *holds out another box* have a cookie... THANK YOU FOR READING THIS USELESS PIECE OF MONKEY THAT I TOTALLY WROTE OUT OF BORDOM. XD!!! ^^' Thank you and have a nice day.

~!My Sites!~

JessAnthonyMakino's Xanga Site
Hut of a Hedgehog: Poetry at Midnight
The Naomi Miamara Headlines
JaymiSaeki's DeviantART Thingy
The Digidex of Jaymi Saeki, Lizzie Miamara, Aya Yuumura, and Jess Makito

~`!Don't MESS wit these ANIME!`~
