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Mystic Enchantress's Neon Genesis Evangelion Gallery

This is the Neon Genesis Evangelion Gallery. Here, obviously, are Evangelion pics of your favourite character. Happi seaching!

OMG! He's stripping! lol jokes. Shinji when he's 16, damn he's kawaii!!!
Who's the only nge character in blue? Rei... duh!
This pic is one of my best of Asuka seeing that all my pics of Asuka are the best ^^; Wot? They're all good...
A very talented person indeed together in saving the world
Asuka's very favourite face when it comes to Touji. Don't say I didn't warn ya Touji
Lil angel meets lil devil. Aww... how adorable but there's more than meets the eye
This is what Misato does best when her biological clock says forget a man
Water and Moon combined fits best with Rei
A sharp shooter. So don't get in her way
Shinji don't look up if it's not life or death
