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Anime Wallpapers ~ *Insert Spiffy Catchphrase Here*

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My Stuff:


I've designed this site simply as a means to share some wallpapers I've made with others. I didn't want to mess around with a bunch of fancy HTML stuff to distract you or excite you, but the site just looked far too boring and bland, so right now I'm working on making it prettier.
Also, I am not an expert at making backgrounds. I just found it hard to find the right kind of wallpaper that I wanted on the net, so decided to teach myself how to make my own!

May 24, 2004 (12:49am PST): Again so soon? Yep! I got inspired when I found the source images for the new Scrapped Princess wallpaper that I just put up! Take a look!

My Current Desktop

As of May 16, 2004