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Music + Videos = Crazy Fun!

A shiny and new note from Gracie, the Wacky site-person...Erm..Me.- Okay. I tried, just for insanity's sake, to watch the videos straight from the web.

Yeah, that's kinda boring. What with the sitting and the waiting for long, long periods of time. Not so much with the fun. And, Mirage from Misled Outcasts told me that the link to the Brotherhood video is not of the working persuasion.

So, here's my recommendation. Do what it what you wish. Actually, it's not waterproof, so I wouldn't advise taking it for a refreshing stroll through the rain.

Anyhoo, to get these babies to work faster than plants grow, you might want to right click on the links to them, follow the menu down to 'save target as', and save it onto your own computer. Tada! Now, it'll save onto your desktop, and you can watch it without all that kooky waiting for the buffering. (Does 'buffering' make anyone else think of Zambonis and that old guy from the 'Karate Kid'?)

And wow, was that a long note from me. Right. Carry on.

Cassandra and Icarus- Addicted to Love
Yes, I'm well aware that this video isn't from x-men: evolution. But this is the first video I did, and I just wanted to use it as a sort of example. This is what my music videos are going to be like. Feel free to run in terror at any time.

Anywho, Cassie and Icky are from Hercules. You know, that Disney cartoon that used to be on ABC? Their relationship is a lot like that between Todd and Wanda.

Scott and Jean- Underneath It All
This is not what I had in mind for this video. At all. I thought Blind Alley had way more usable clips. So this video is around a minute long. Great fun, complete and utter disappointment is, right? Anywho, I might redo this someday, but right now, this pathetic thing's gonna have to do.

The Brotherhood-Good Ol' Boys
The song seemed fitting. In my mind. Which means it probably makes no sense in reality. Whatever. It's way, way more adequate than the last video. But that's not saying much, is it? A picture of a rabid iguana dancing to a Neil Diamond song would be more adequate than the Scott and Jean video. Tee Hee. Rabid iguanas.

Disclaimer: Wow, I can't even begin to say how much these aren't mine. Cassandra, Icarus, and all other Hercules characters are copyright Disney. Addicted to Love is copyright Robert Palmer and probably some other nice folks as well. Jean and Scott and the Brotherhood and all those other X-people are copyright Marvel. Underneath it All belongs to No Doubt. Good Ol' Boys belongs to Waylon Jennings. To recap: NOT MINE!


You must be Angel's handsome yet androgynous son!-Willow Rosenberg upon meeting Connor, Angel

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