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Aries (Sailor Mars)
This is the first sign of the Zodiac ruled by the planet Mars, and this reflects on those who are born under the ram. They see themselves as number one. Aries carry the traits of leaders, initiators, but never completers. An Aries tends to be impulsive and tempted to push their ideas on others. Areis' are also able to summon their inner strength, be agressive, bold, and courageous.
The bull in the Zodiac is all about rewards in the game of life. They enjoy physical pleasures and material goods, and revel in excess. Adoring comfort, they surround themselves by pleasing and soothing things. You know, the good life. Taurus' tend to be very thick headed and stubborn much like they're symbol. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus - the goddess who didn't deny herself any pleasures.
Gemini (Sailor Star Maker) A Gemini loves to talk. The driving force behind their conversations, however, is their mind. They talk to everybody and love collecting information, especially from those closest to them. Geminis tend to be very bright, whitty, and the center of excitement. A Gemini can also see both sides of the issues, however this makes them almost indecisive with things. Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury with their quick thinking and whit.
Cancer (Sailor Moon & Chibi Moon)
Cancers are known as Moon Children, being ruled by the moon. This gives them their traits about home. Definite home bodies, Cancers are very maternal, domestic, and love the comforts of home and family. Much like the crab, their mascot, Cancers are quick to retreat into their shells when it suits their mood. Moody, yes, and they know how to sympathize with others being overly sensitive at ti mes as well. Cancers are easily hurt and prone to brooding around. -On a pointless note, this completely describes me, being a Cancerian.
Leo (Tuxedo Kamen, Sailor Star Fighter)
Leo the lion is most known for their personality - wanting to be on center stage. They have a personal magnetism about them, one that draws people to them. They are very ambitious and this helps them accomplish many things. They have much enthusiasm, talent, and a big ego too boot. Leo is ruled by the Sun, the center of the galaxy, much like their need to be the center of attention. -On another pointless note, this completely describes my sister, a Leo.
Virgo (Sailor Mercury)
Virgos take on the qualities of their mascot, the Virgin, in that they are modest and have humanity. Virgos also like to be exact and have attention to detail. Virgos are ruled by the planet Mercury as well. They aren't able to sit still with something much like the god Mercury.
Libra (Sailor Venus)
Librans are known for their focus on others and how they relate to people. They see everything to be done better as a group. They are very much team players, less focused on self than the above star signs. The scales represent a Libra because of their balance in situations. Libras dislike conflict and like things to be balanced. Libras are ruled by Venus, which they take on the traits of being cultured, refined, and have a love for beautiful things.
Scorpio (Sailor Pluto)
The most noteable trait of a Scorpio is that they are serious about their mission and their goals. There is no idle chatter or fluff around anything. They know what they want and they will get there without distractions. Everything is black and white, no room for anything in between. Scorpios are ruled by two planets - Mars and Pluto. The combination of the two give a Scorpio an intense energy, motivation, and awareness.
Sagittarius (Sailor Jupiter)
Sagittarius' are truth seekers and wanderers. Knowledge is the key for them, they are always on an internal quest. This sign is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Some think that the royalty associated with god Jupiter has been passed to them in traits. They are generals and just, as well as being noble leaders.
Capricorn (Sailor Saturn)
Capricorns are industrious, efficient, organized, and don't make waves. They are very good work people and are likely to put in a lot of time at the office. They are extremely dedicated to their goals, and can be very stubborn about it. However, they are patient about it. From the planet Saturn, Capricorns get their traits of wanting to be at the top. Capricorns are happy to work for that honor.
Aquarius (Sailor Uranus)
Aquarians have a social conscience. They tend to be humanitarians, philanthropic, and interested in saving the world - making it better. They tend to be visionaries, and love spending time thinking about how things can be better. They are ruled by Saturn and Uranus. This gives an Aquarian a strong and vibrant energy.
Pisces (Sailor Neptune, Sailor Star Healer)
The final sign of the Zodiac is the Pisces. It bring together the characteristics of the other signs. However, these guys are the happiest at keeping their qualities together. They are selfless, spiritual, and focused on their journey. They are ruled by the planets Jupiter and Neptune taking with them a unique combination of traits and energy.