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The Senshi Profiles

Welcome to the profile page here you will find profiles on all of the Magus Senshi, the Halo Senshi and the Malign Senshi.

The Magus Senshi

Sailor Gaia
Sailor Chibi Gaia
Sailor Krystar
Sailor Violet Lightning
Sailor Chibi Violet Lightning
Sailor Hope
Sailor Bloodlust
Sailor Chibi Bloodlust
Sailor Chronos
Sailor Crystal

The Halo Senshi

Sailor Soul
Sailor Supernova
Sailor Pandora
Sailor Chibi Pandora
Sailor Solar
Sailor Empath

The Malign Senshi

Sailor Religion
Sailor Dark Messiah
Sailor Famine
Sailor War
Sailor Death
Sailor Pestilence
Sailor Apocalypse