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Birthday: 04/10/89
Likes:IceCream, Patatoes, Cats, Wolves.
Dislikes:Homework, Mornings, Anoying People!
Listening: Fallen/Evanescens
        .*November, 2003.

    Welcome to my home page.
Sorry but I am redoing the layout so most of the pages will be done for quite sometime sorry for the trouble.
   So I was finally able to find a layout I liked and could work with it will probly stay this way for a while. I welcome you to go anywere in the site. Although some of the links on the side do not work I have finally gotten around to fixing that and I belive only two or left to finish.

    The beautiful image is from

    I have created some banners/buttons that if you would like you can use to link my site on your own feal free to put them on your site although I would be happier to get an email to know were my links are being posted. You can contact me at




        .*Friday, December 19th, 2003.

    Hey This page was originally were I posted day stuff but I have changed around a bit to make it easier for me to post things quicker there will be a page you can go to that is under the links when I put it there. Sorry a lot off the links are not working but now its Christmas break and I have a lot of time to work on that problem.
