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How to speak L33T

Many of you play online games. And yet a lot of you have no idea what L33T 5p34k is. Well, this is where you are going to learn.

L33T 5p34k is english...basicaly. All that is done is to take a letter, and use a number, symbol/letter that corresponds to the letter that you are replacing. Some examples are: A-@,4...B-l3,8...M-l\/l, and so on and so on. It is really easy to grasp once you have the basics.
Here is a generator for you to use...type what you want...then hit translate...then once you get the hang of it....try the @d\/aNc3D l33tN355 button!

L33t-5p34K Generator!!!###

L33t-5p34K G3n3r@t0r

lame speak

L33t 5p34K:

@d\/aNc3D l33tn355!!!
