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Sorry about the fact that I kinda gave up on this site. I was working too rapidly to get it up and operational and just got burned out. Couple that with the fact that the Angelfire HTML editor sucks, and you could probably see why I did. So I copied all of the files from the site onto my computer so I could do my HTML editing in good ol' Notepad... I also added a link somebody requested that I found in my e-mail upon checking it today.

1/9/03: 5:15 PM--
Today, I went on a Mac, and went to fix the problem. I believe I have it licked, with a different form of what I was shooting for. Hopefully, it'll work, because I changed all of my pages. I'll do a little more tonite. I'll probably try to get a bit more in. I do have some homework to do. I do have my second block set of classes tommorow... I hate second block....

1/8/03: 11:28 PM--
I just did a big update on my part. Such a hastle. Sometimes I wonder if I should just give up on my topbar navigation and just use frames. I am going to solve the problem for you guys using Macintosh's MSIE version 5. It seems to have alignment problems. I'll try to work on it during web design tomorrow, where I will be on an IMac. I'll keep you apraised...


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