<bGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/cmarzan18/06.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
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[catherine enriquez marzan]
home page
watzupies?!? i guess... ur probably wonderin?!?  "what the heck am i doin in this page don't u?!?" well... maybe because u like it silly?!? or was it jaz a mistake?!? but whatever the reason is... it won't hurt u if u check it out a bit, right?!? so...  why don't u stay for a while!!! it'll be great!!! & u know what?!? i've heard that anyone, i mean [ANYONE]  who tried to leave this homepage getz [CURSED]?!? jaz kiddin!!! well... i really  got u there huh?!? but don't yah try to leave me hangin now, alrighty?!? so... let me introduce myself b4 we get too far?!? i am [CATHERINE MARZAN] but u can also call me [KATHOY] or [MARZY] for short!!! maybe u've noticed my name @ the top right?!? ^__^ by the way i just turned 18 last [May 24,2003] then i decided to build a web site!!! & of course, it'll be all about me!!! i luv anime a lot and stuffz like that so u'll find tonz of cool thingz about anime!?! u'll also find lil chibis, midis, lyrics, pics, original written poems, and my fave links where i got all my stuffz from!!! so stay with me, ok?!? don't try to leave without signing my {GUESTBOOK}... i know my site is only half way done but...i also wanna know what you think about my site...& if u have any cool anime pics u'd like to send me or any suggestions at all... jaz e-mail me your feedbacks @ {cmarzan18@hotmail.com} thatz all for now!!! hope u enjoy urselves!!!^__^!!!
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