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k0sM0s2k4's Web Blogs

|| 12 / 21 / 03 ||

The Christmas days, 4 more days to Christmas. *Yay!!!*...
I have to study for the second chance of the Science test. I did k, but I can do betta.

=( I never get to see my soul sister Virginia again... darn. )= Why is life so bad. I was supposed to meet her this year, but we went to boring NYC instead. I think I still remember her face, but I'm not really sure myself anymore. It's been like 3 years. ^.^... acting like this really makes me crazy. I own a company called IAB. Stands for I Am Bored. =P
You wike my wittle site? I am a html exp. Ask me to make a site, and It'll take a year. But it's worth. ^_^!!! Christmas, is awaiting for me. PRESENTS! PRESENTS! PRESENTS... Hey, what's your fav. sailor scout anyway. Mine can tell! It's Sailor Jup. After that it's Mercury, I think she looks like Virginia; well I tinkky...

Wow I totally forgot, I'm gonna get some new NewYear presents for the following peoples: ~Kristin~ +*Erika*+ -Angie- ::Karley:: ^Kelly^ [[::Mayra::]] -_ALLI_-
I just went to my bro's concert. It's hilarious... he has like 3 girlfriends. But he's gay!!! AHAHAHA!!! I'm juss kiddin around. He only luvz one... and one is Amy. Plus he likes wearing (Gay American Pride) GAP!!! HAHAHA!!!

|| 12 / 22 / 03||

*Yawn* It's in the morning over here! It's like 8:30 and I'm still updating part of my site that I was supposed to add yesterday, but I'm too lazy. Hmm... one question that everyone asks, Who do I like? Hmm...I don't know YET, but if I did; I'd tell someone. My most trusted friends. ^.^! Who would I tell though? I would certainly tell Erika, Kelly, Karley, and Alli. ***~I think they're cool~*** It was wierd, I had a cool time at the party and stuff, but who asked Ben if he liked me? Eww... why would I want Ben... to like me? *Yuck* Puke City! No ofense, heh-heh. I knew Ben liked me like along time agooo. But I didn't tell anyone. Why would I? +++ PUKE-A-RAMA +++ Alright another Subject hehe. *Check schedule* ToP*Mayra leaves*ToP | LeasT*Angie's Present*LeasT! K, k, I think I can remember... I mean I should remember! Mmm... What do you think of this? It's Diana, isn't she cute? Well, no she isn't... but she is so funny isn't she..aww... she says hi! Aww... how about that? He's Artemis, eek! He looks like he's going to puke! I like Diana better, she's so orginized... yes she is! Aww... So wutey cutey!!! Ok, I like dogs... but there aren't any in SailorMoon so dogs; forgive me!

I totally think this looks funny and wutey.
Hehe, well this morning was fun, write to you in the AN. After-noon!!!
Hey it's like 1:25 right now! I just came back from the gift shop! It's cool. I bought you guys presents. Can't wait until Christmas in like 3 days!!! YAA!!!

|| 12 / 23 / 03 ||

It's like 7:59 in the morning, and I'm on my bro's comp moping like a dog. It's boring really boring around here, but... there's 2 days till CHRISTMAS!!! Yeah, oh and what did we have to do for math?... Catch ya l8erz i'm bored and i wanna play a few games. It's like 9:14 PM. I'm bored, well not relly. For Christmas my mommy and daddy bought me 2 huge dollz from a mall far away by Dundie in the Disney Store which there are really cute stuff. And we're gonna buy some clothes soon because I'm freezing cold. I NEED MATCHING HAT, SCARF, GLOVES, AND VEST!!! Catch ya tomarrow, today I have nothing to say but, CHRISTMAS PRESENTS TOMARROW. LIGHTEN UP IT'S CHRISTMAS EVE!!!

|| 12 / 23 / 03 ||

Hi, again... I am going to do our Christmas clean up soon... it's 10:22 AM right now. Not that boring at all. Thought I would like put up another blog and stuff. He-he. I wuv Christmas, it's the best holiday. I'm just watching some Christmas specials. It's going to be great. This is so cool. I love you guys, and I love my family too. See ya this afternoon if I'm not too caught up with my presents and my night with my extended family on my mommy's side. ^.^ Good Morning!!! I thought you would like to see this, since we're so happy today.

M erryChristmas!!!

|| 12 / 25 / 03 ||

Sorry, I didn't update on this day. Try looking lower. Oh and.... I love my mom heh-heh.Whew... Ok.

|| 12 / 26 / 03 ||

Today was fun... well actually it was really boooring. I only played gb (gunbound) but hey, it's a coolio game =P. I was looking around the game servers and everybody wants to trade for hip hop hair. If you play gb ya know what I mean. It is rockin hott! No actually I'm waiting for 1500 g. so I can get free space clothes and helmet. Yur Yur!!! Well I like pucca hair and some party hair. But I think the SAR protection one is funny. heh-heh it's like 4:28 PM right now ya. I'm bored, and I didn't update yesterday but hey... don't fight the love my brotha and sistas I'm there witya. Only on da holidayz though don't fight the love. Hey I think this is cutely cool. If ya know what's I mean. <("^.^")> ...(Hey, see ya next year... YAHOO!!!)Hey look at this site: it's cute.

This is GB!!!

MerryNOTChristmas... Good Night!!!

|| 12 / 27 / 03 ||

I didn't make a complete blog on this day, look lower.

|| 12 / 28 / 03 ||

I hate today and it was gay. My bro is a homosexual and he is gay. I hate my life, and I hate you so leave me ALONE!!! You motha **** BEEP! You *beepin* hole, get out of my motha **** *BEEPIN* face. You motha *Beeper* (Today was a bad day, Parental Discussion is advised)lol heh-heh, right now it's about 8:11 P.M. I'm serious, next time I'm not using (*) these or beep so watch out!!! Parental Guidence is advised also. So now get out of my MOTHA *BEEPIN* FACE!!!

|| 12 / 29 / 03 ||

Your computer has a virus. YOU CAN NOT GO INTO WEBSITE TERRITORY!!!

|| 12 / 30 / 03 ||

Hi, bye. Amy, why do you listen to my bro. He's a gay butt. Gee.

|| 12 / 31 / 03 ||

We're going to Navy Pier so i don't really feel so bad that my bro went without me yesterday. AnD GooD day. GooD day..