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Jeni's Online Journal (kind of a Kenshin shrine...)

Jeni: Hello everyone! And welcome to my online journal! I figured I should being to keep one since I'm on here all the time anyway! On top of that, I just got a laptop, so it'll be easier to update this and my Fan Fics! Hooray! Right Kenshin! Kenshin: Oro Jeni-dono? Jeni: Oh yes! I almost forgot to introduce my -ahem- room mates! Naturally, my 3 favorite anime guys: Kenshin Himura, Yusuke Urameshi, and Joey Wheeler! Say "hello" will you? Kenshin: Hello friends of Jeni-dono! I would like to welcome you, that I would! Joey: Helllloooo!! I'm Joey! C'mon in and make yourself at home! Yusuke: This is stupid! I'm gonna go practice my spirit gun over in the corner! (exits) Jeni: Your so anti-social! You should be more like Kenshin! Joey: Ohh, 'Kenshin' (under his breath) He's always been your favorite... Jeni: What was that, Joey? Joey: Nothing...I'm gonna go duel or somethin' See you all later!(exits) Kenshin: Jeni-dono, I have to finish the laundry and start dinner, that I do.(exits) Jeni: Well, anyway, those we're my 'room mates' They'll be appearing in my journal entries frequently, you know, (I'm better with dialogues than with monologues!!) Well, I hope you visit again soon! (You have all summer!) If you get a chance, read some of my Fan Fiction! Pen Name: Jeni Wheeler-Himura **Side Note** If you like Draco Malfoy from Harry Potter, be sure to check out my friend Sarah's story...I don't think it's posted yet, but it will be soon...and it's amazing!!! Her Pen Name: Raine Malfoy ****** Today I watched Trust and Betrayal...spelling?..oh well. Either way, that was the SADDEST movie I have ever seen! UGH! I NEVER cry at movies, but today I bawled so hard that my brother thought that I was in pain! For those of you who havn't seen it yet, make sure your in the mood to watch it, it's pretty heart-wrenchihng. Despite the fact it was so sad, I relly did enjoy it though. It wa a good movie. I would personally recommend it. Anyway, gotta go! See 'ya later!

Favorite Anime Guys...


FanFic, it kinda explains itself...
My favorite online Anime store!
This place has pretty good stuff too, but it's out of stock alot.
