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Digital Studio's

Shonen Connection updates!!!

By Kokoro on October 09th 2005

Well I uploaded the layout however I won't place that link here until I've got the buttons and Navigation up and running. The problem now lies in getting content up for the site, I think instead of episode guides and Chapter summaries I'll just place synopsis' no more than 1-2 paragraph's in length. This will make things easier, I'll also organize that information in an Encyclopedia style of some sort. I'll see how it goes. For now help is still needed to make this site work. If you want to help in anyway please e-mail me:

ninja.kokoro [@]

Remove the [ ] for my e-mail, anyways looking forward to seeing people on the new site, by the way this site is slowly being seeded into google.

Site Transfered new layout done, 95% complete for new site

By Kokoro on October 09th 2005

Well another update and there's lots to this one. First I've registered the name


Also I was originally going to transfer this layout over however I've decided to make a splash page and a new layout. The Layout is complete, I just need to polish it up and create navigation icons.

Here's the link to the new site:

The New Page! I hope to have the new layout up and running shortly.

Host Transfer

By Kokoro on October 05th 2005

Alright third update and sorry about the lack of updates for September, I was too busy running around with college, as well as getting other things. This week I've got time to get things transfered and hopefully I'll get a layout down. However it'll take me awhile to get the content pages up. I'll be transfering files to the main server this weekend. In the meanwhile, please visit Digital X forums.

Main server news

By Kokoro on August 24th 2005

Well it's my second update so far, I want to get the Shonen Connection name seeded into google and such so that it can be found when I move this site over to the main server. Also I uploaded the Hunter x Hunter page, there's no content yet but there will be.

Things on the main server are going good right now, D-Nett is up in public beta once more, Digital Studio's was updated and is being shown in full to the public and our forms Digital X is up and running also. In fact Shonen Connect's forum is already available and Hunter x Hunter has a section ready for posting!


By Kokoro on August 23rd 2004

Alright I've choosen to go with another layout since the Kenshin one just didn't look good enough to use as an updater/test site. Anyway with Linkage being merged with DN and newly named E-Link, the site's original intentions have been restored.

So what about this site? Well original this Angelfire site was used for two things: 1)To better my knowledge of html 2) To have some fun. So this site pretty much lives up to it's purpose. Whenever I've got a new project idea, I'll simply come here and experiment. The Illusionist title was originally for me testing fancy DHTML tricks. I may still encorporate them from time to time or I may do my own tricks using flash. Anyway this is a more stable temporary layout. I'll be updating information on Shonen Connection with this site as well as planning how to organize stuff for the this site when it moves to the real server.

So what's planned for SC?

Well I'm glad you asked lol. Usually I jump the gun and announce how many different Shonen Jump series we're going to cover. It is my goal to host information about as much SJ series as I can but I'm going to upload them slowly, kinda like how the official magazine brought the series slowly. So the series I'll be uploading first are:

Hunter x Hunter(Obviously, look at this layout) Hikaru No Go Bleach Also I'm going to make this main page a news hub for anything related to SC shortly.

Digital Studios Portal

Digital Studios Main page
Digital X Forums

SC Portal

Hunter x Hunter
Hikaru No Go


Tag-board:Possibly coming soon


Shonen Connection © Digital Studio's
Free Domain at Layout ©