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The Official Website For Neopia's Guild of the Paranormal

Welcome to Neopia's Guild of the Paranormal! If you're new to the Guild please read the rules below and make sure to check out the news section.

Guild Rules

1.Please be respectful and kind to all other Guild members. The Guild strives to be helpful to anyone who needs assistance.
2.Please don't post spam messages on the message board. Spam means Short, Pointless, Annoying Messages! Make sure when you post something it is good, interesting content.
3.Please do not beg other members for items or neopoints. Anyone who has enough np to be condsidered "rich" has worked very hard for that title. So if you want neopoints, you have to work for it just like everyone else.
4.Please listen to the guild council. If someone on the council tells you to stop doing something, then their is usually a good reason. Remember that anyone on the Guild council or the Neopets Team will Never ask you for your password or any other personal information. If someone does ask for your password, report them immediatly. 5.Please be an active member. If your membership becomes labled as "not active" a neomail will be sent to you asking if you still want to be in the Guild. If that neomail is not replied to within 2 weeks, you will be deleted from the Guild. Sorry, but too many people join guilds then just take up space.

NOTE: If you are caught breaking any of the above rules, the first action will be a warning from the council, if you continue to commit the offense, you will be suspended or deleted from the Guild, depending on a vote from the council.

Coming Soon

Other Paranormal Websites

Coast to Coast AM
National UFO Reporting Center