!!!The Worl of HamPuffs!!!

Hello! This site isn't all about Hamtaro and Powerpuff Girls, it's also about all cartoons as well!


1/5/04: HI!!!! I added a makeup your own stories' page!!

today's mood: HYPER!!!!!

1/3/04: Heya!!! There is a new contest cadigory up!!! BOOYA!!! Go check it out!!!^~

12/29/03: Hola!!!! I put some more fanart in my art thingy!!!!lol

today's mood: so-so

12/28/03: Hey everyone!!! Wa* Christmas is over, well its been over for a while!! darn doughnuts!!! -lol-The comics page is up and running so start sending, you can also send fanart and fanfics!!! Have fun!!!

today's mood:Sad-_-"" "No one likes me or my site"

12/16/03 Ok!!! Eveything is up and running!!! You can start sending if you'd like!!!!^_~ *COMING SOON*Comics and Quizes!!!!

today's mood: Happy!!!!*WEEEEE*

12/14/03: Hey everone it's my first day!!!! Yay!!! And i'm still trying to get stuff together!!! You can submit *fanart, fanfics, commix, poems, ect...* SOON!!! And when i say soon, i mean soon!!!

today's mood: Hyper!!!! o yeah!!!

Fav. Couples


My Artwork
Abot Me
Make your own stories!!!

Email: Monkeyjerk88@aol.com